22 July 2008

Trip to Cirebon...

Udah lama banget Bunda gak pulang ke Cirebon. Memang setelah Eyang2 Bunda wafat terus Bunda nikah sama Ayah dan "ngikut" Ayah kemana-mana, Bunda gak pernah lagi kesana. Gak tau kenapa menjelang bulan puasa kemarin Bunda sempet mimpi pergi ke Cirebon naik kereta tapi gak nyampe2. Terus kalau Bunda lagi merasa galau dan baca Yassin Bunda selalu ngerasa seperti lagi dipeluk sama Yangti-nya Bunda. Bunda emang deket banget sama blio, apalagi saat2 terakhir hidupnya dihabiskan di Ciganjur (rumah Eyang Ibu n Aki). Inget banget pacaran ngumpet2 karena takut ketauan Yangti, orang jaman dulu mah gak kenal pacaran sih hehe.

Anyway, sebelum kami pulang cuti kemarin Bunda dah bilang ma Ayah klo Bunda pengen banget bisa ke Cirebon klo sempet. Ngerasa kangeeeeeeeeeen banget sama Yangti, Yangkung n Cirebon. Meskipun gak pernah tinggal di Cirebon tapi masa2 liburan disana tu berkesan banget. Akhirnya cuma Bunda aja yang berangkat ke Cirebon ditemenin sama Eyang Ibu. Ayah n anak2 gak ikut karena minggu depannya kami dah harus kembali ke Papua jadi takut Ayah (yang harus kembali kerja) dan anak2 capek.

Berangkat naik kereta api Cirebon Express yang pertama, jadi inget jaman2 CE masih jelek hehe. Mendekati Cirebon, Bunda jadi inget waktu masih jadi gadis kecil klo kereta dah deket Cirebon, Eyang Ibu langsung nyisirin rambut Bunda n Tante Aru supaya pas ktemu Eyang dah rapi jali :-).

Sampai di Cirebon, kami dah ditunggu sama mobil sewaan lumayan daripada bingung kemana2. Habis Cirebon sekarang dimana-mana one-way. Mampir ke La Palma, toko kue langganan dari zaman dahulu kala buat beli kue2 untuk saudara2 n Adenya Yangti yang masih tinggal di Jl Wahidin. Bis itu langsung nyekar ke makam Yangti n Yangkung. Amazingly, Bunda bisa ngerasa kyak ketemu langsung sama blio berdua dan langsung merasa tenang banget. Bunda ceritamacem2 dlm hati, antara lain klo Bunda sekarang Bunda dah punya anak dua, walaupun Bunda yakin mereka pasti tahu every single detail... 

Selsei nyekar balik lagi ke kota Cirebon dan mampir ke rumah Adenya Eyang. Lewat Jl Wahidin, lewat gedung GOW/BKOW, memori berkelebat lagi. Inget dulu suka diajak Yangti yang ketua GOW bolak-balik kesana antara lain buat nganter kasur :-) karena gedung itu dulu juga jadi asrama putri (masih gak ya?). Dari sana lanjut nengok istrinya Mang Darma alias makan empal gentong :-). JUdulnya kalap disana karena Bunda berhasil makan 2,5 porsi empal gentong, skalian pesen buat dibawa pulang ke Jakarta besok. Dari sana Bunda n Eyang Ibu pergi ke manisan Shinta buat cari oleh2 khas Cirebon. Di depan Shinta Bunda beli tahu gejrot + pesen buat dibawa ke Jakarta, es duren n docang ckk..ckkk. Eyang Ibu aja sampe eneq sendiri :-).

Dari Shinta kami langsung istirahat di hotel. Sengaja milih yang di jalan Kartini biar rasanya deket sama rumah Eyang dulu. Istirahat sejenak sambil nunggu jam yang tepat buat berkunjung ke tempat adenya Eyang yang lain. Naik becak ke Jl Kapten Damsur, mampir ke toko buah langganan untuk beli buah tangan, tapi nciknya dah lupa sama Bunda katanya dia kira Bunda Dian Sastro (makasih ya Cik, gak salah tuh hehe). Di jalan ini kita punya dua saudara, yang pertama sudah sepuh banget (adenya Yangti) yang kedua sepupunya Eyang Ibu. Dari Jalan Kapten Damsur, lanjut lg berbecak ria ke tempat mie kocok di mesjid merah. Becaknya diminta tunggu supaya bisa langsung lanjut minum es kopyor di deket pasar pagi yang menurut cerita Eyang Ibu dah ada sejak blio kecil dan suka diajak kesana sama Yangkung. Kembali ke jalan Kartini, inget dulu kalau lagi ke Cirebon suka dipesenin sate ayam yang ada dpn hotel Cirebon Plaza. Karena kangen pesen pula sate ayam itu plus ayam pringgodani untuk dibawa ke hotel. Sambil jalan kali pulang, Bunda sempet juga ngintip2 bekas rumah eyang. Sedih lihat semua sudah rata dengan tanah kecuali ruangan eks garasi, di ruangan ini Bunda juga sempet belajar nari Topeng Cirebon sama seorang puteri dari keraton Kacirbonan, namanya Ratu Arum.

Ngomong2 soal keraton Kacirbonan, Bunda inget banget waktu mau belajar nari Topeng Cirebon, Uu' Syechmagelung (Ibunya Uu' Nini-nya Nish n Miz) bilang kalau mau belajar lebih baik sama yang ahli. Karena blio kenal baik dengan Sultan dari Kacirbonan dan juga katanya karena keraton ini dikenal sebagai pusat kegiatan kebudayaan Cirebon. Olh karena itu, blio minta Eyang Ibu untuk bawa Bunda n Tante Aru kesana. Maka mampirlah Eyang Ibu, Bunda n Tante Aru kesana. Buat ukuran keraton, yang namanya keraton Kacirbonan itu kecil, lebih mirip rumah. Modelnya mirip rumah2 zaman Belanda daripada keraton. Beda dengan Kasepuhan yang memang terlihat besar dan megah. Begitu sampai, langsung ktemu sama Sultan Kacirbonan hanya blio kembali masuk untuk ganti baju terlebih dahulu. Oh iya...menurut beberapa sumber, b'beda dengan dua kesultanan lainnya, sultan Kacirbonan hanya berhak disebut sebagai pangeran. Sambil nunggu kami yang gak dipersilahkan duduk bingung mau duduk dimana. Sebagaimana rumah2 peninggalan zaman Belanda, keraton Kacirbonan juga punya beranda yang lebar dengan dilindungi atap yang tinggi dan teduh. Di beranda itu juga ada kursi2 tamu persis kyak rumah2 biasa. Bagi yang pernah ke Cirebon, tentu tahu Cirebon itu luar biasa panas. Mau duduk di kursi dalam beranda kok ngeri, bukan karena apa2 soalnya kursi n berandanya klihatan tua n angker hehe. Akhirnya kami cuma berdiri sampe sang Sultan datang lagi. Begitu datang blio bilang "mangga dodok" sambil nunjuk lantai hahaha. Bunda n Eyang Ibu suka geli klo inget itu. Untung aja kami gak nekad duduk di bangku, bisa2 gak enak hati dengan sang Elang (sebutan untuk pangeran di Cirebon). Sultan itu seneng banget denger ada yang mau belajar nari topeng Cirebon, besoknya blio langsung mengirimkan salah satu puterinya untuk ngajar kami. Sayang banget Bunda sekarang dah lupa gimana cara narinya :-(.

Besok paginya setelah sarapan di hotel karena ogah rugi, langsung menuju ke nasi jamblang Mang Dul yang jaraknya cuma selemparan bakiak. Jajan lagi dehhh. Mampir lagi ke tempat Adenya Eyang untuk ambil titipan ke Jakarta, lumayan lama disana sambil cerita2 ngalor ngidul. Orang Cirebon itu memang guyub dan akrab satu sama lain, khas orang pantai. Pikir2 kok ke Cirebon gak mampir Trusmi, lagian dah deket juga. Nekad aja naik angkot ternyata nyampe juga hehe. Gak lama di Trusmi langsung cabut lagi ke Shinta. Bukan ke Shinta-nya sih tapi ke daerah2 deket situ buat beli pepes ikan peda n pepes dage untuk dibawa pulang. Dari sana makan siang nasi lengko H. Barno di Pagongan lengkap dengan sate kambing yang juga yummy. Selesai makan langsung ke Ayam Alas Demang untuk ambil pesanan untuk dibawa ke Jakarta. Setelah itu kembali ke hotel untuk beres2 dan shalat lalu bersiap kembali ke Jakarta... Hanya berfikir, kapan ya bisa kembali ke Cirebon?


Waroeng Ophoeng said...

Ceritanya menarik sekali, seakan ikut jalan-jalan dan jajan-jajan enak di Cirebon.

Terima kasih.

Kapan balik mudik maning?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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That's not to say that you shouldn't grow an Arbonne business, it's just to say that developing a successful organization requires more than chasing your friends and family members They have a great product to market, but there are plenty of companies that have great products, and many people that market good products never make a dime There are also plenty of terrible products that generate millions of dollars in revenue (anyone remember the pet rock) The difference is the marketer, and their ability to target their market effectivelyWowGreen is a network marketing company that has developed cleaning products that are safe and "green" - ie, environmentally friendlyBut is it a scam Do the products work We review WowGreen in this articleWowGreen - The CompanyWowGreen is a network marketing company managed by:Allie Mallad (Founder)Rick Birndorf (COO)Dave Deal (CFO)Owen Stern (SEVPO)Wowgreen claims a "green promise", which is to develop products from ingredients found in nature, and provide products that are non-toxic [url=http://nikemercurialvapor2a.webs.com/]nike mercurial vapor[/url] I knew that all that testing and researching work had been already done for me, so why would I spend my time doing same things if I could easily learn about it and put it to useAfter one month since I have started running my PPC campaigns I made a conclusion: out of every 100 visitors approximately 1 buys What a simple formula! Let me explain you this one in more detailsFor example if you run a campaign and you pay $005 per click, and you get for each sale of your affiliate product $15, after you run 100 visitors you get $10 in profit And what if you could run 1000 visitors a day That would be $100 in profit every single day which means $3,000 in month [url=http://airjordanlight.ucoz.org/]Air Jordan Light[/url].

Anonymous said...

If he's making one bogey in four rounds, he's obviously hitting it better We know his short game is the best, but we know he didn't really make a lot of putts When he does that, that will be the Tiger we know, and that will be the end of the game In NLP terms this is called ReframingI was talking to an old golfing friend of mine about his round of golf I'd like to stress that he's not a client and just isn't interested in talking to me about golf psychology - he's still a good friend, though Anyway, he was moaning about the condition of the course that day and how on every shot he just seemed to have a worse lie than he expected If he was on the edge of the fairway, the ball was nestling against the edge of the rough [url=http://colehaanshoes2a.blogspot.com/]cole haan shoes[/url] " or "This marriage saving tip is almost too easy [url=http://lebronjamesjersey.webstarts.com/]LeBron James Jersey [/url].
I usually ask myself "Is this me writing my heart out or is it just to make money from this article"Giving your hearts out to your visitors will earn you their trusts which in turn persuade them to buy from you9 Be HonestIf you can't provide the service they want, then you can refer them to someone else I have an affiliate which hosts 50+ other companies who's willing to pay you a commission if you refer someone [url=http://lebron10shoesa.blogspot.com/]lebron 10 shoes[/url] External links can help you to increase traffic significantly which would help in page rank and possible conversions, Links helps in driving traffic to your website and traffic can substantially help page rank and conversions If you want more conversions, give link exchanges a try; the more traffic you can get to your website, the more revenue your website will generate All this efforts makes an increase in popularity of your business and productCustomers can find a link on your website for a product, which helps them to purchase your product Let’s understand what happens in a reciprocal link exchange, here everyone gets the same thing, a link on a website [url=http://nikeheelsa.webstarts.com/]Nike Heels [/url].

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Action Plan: Probably the most important page in your business plan! Here is where you will write about your sales and marketing strategies for building your successful home business You will have to create a marketing plan that includes online and offline promotion strategies for building your client baseFinancial Plan: A few home businesses operate without a budget, however when you get that visa statement at the end of the month and find out your broke, then you will have a problem Clearly a budget is just good business practice and makes sense You will need to break it down to whats coming in and whats going out [url=http://derrickrosejersey.webstarts.com/]Derrick Rose Jersey [/url] All the studies of motivation over the last 50 years include at least the following to build motivation:* Achievement - people need to see results for what they do Make sure that their work is able to be measured, preferably by each team member themselves* Recognition for achievement - praise and recognise team members for the work that they do well Encourage team members to praise one another Set the example and build a culture of recognition by finding at least one of your team members doing something well every day and praise them for it [url=http://nikectr360maestriii.weebly.com/]Nike CTR360 Maestri II[/url].
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Anonymous said...

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Proper alignment is needed You should align your clubs face to the direction you want your ball to go to After that, align your feet with your club and as you prepare your drive just stay parallel with your clubs face pointing your shoulder and hands in the same directionYou should also have the proper stance with regards to your ball position Try doing this if you dont know how [url=http://airyeezyglow.webstarts.com/]air yeezy glow,[/url] Of course, actually liking what you do, will have a lot to do with the success of your new venture, so be sure to pick a home business that you'll enjoy running and that will keep you motivated For example, if you're a math whiz, an accounting or income tax service might be the ideal home business for you to start Perhaps writing is your forte and you'd like to start your own home based copywriting service or advertising agency Each of these businesses can be run successfully--and profitably from the comfort of your own home Academia might not be your cup of tea, but maybe you are good with your hands --- having a creative genius where crafts are concerned [url=http://nikemercurialvictory.webs.com/]nike mercurial victory[/url].

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Let them know how important they are in the success of your business Express them by sending a weekly or monthly newsletter3 Creating smart packages for new and existing customersOne essential way to keep a long term business is to continuously advertise or sell to your customers Giving them packages and smart offers is definitely an excellent way of maintaining and encouraging customers [url=http://nikemercurialvictory.webs.com/]nike mercurial victory[/url] Thus, harried and impatient, you may react impetuously You may damage future relationships with suppliers, customers, or employees by blowing up Or your frenetic activity to solve an immediate problem may not keep the problem from popping up againYou must cultivate an even temperament to deal with each problem on its own merits The tardy supplier would not know that the receptionist did not show up [url=http://nikedunkwomen.weebly.com/]nike dunk women[/url].

Anonymous said...

Be courteous and pleasant in all your customer interactions Basically, just be someone people want to do business with 7) Automate your business as much as you possibly can He's been leavingmoney on the table all this timeYou must find out what your list members want, then offer it tothem I guarantee they're buying products from someone Why notget them to buy from youYou can find out what they want by doing a simple survey everyonce in awhile Ask what would make their life easier or helpthem get their business off the ground [url=http://jordanheels6.weebly.com/]Jordan Heels[/url] You can offer your clients a money back guarantee to insure and show them that you are so confident in your service that once they try you they will never leave As soon as people see this on your site then their worry and tension will be cut in half [url=http://nikedunkslow2a.blogspot.com/]nike dunks low[/url].
You may decide to play less club, because of the simple fact of a two-tier green and the pin is sitting on the bottom level Following high school, Brian went on to attend college at the University of Mexico It was here that he shined as a strong safety for the University football team Upon graduation, he immediately began pursuing his goal to play professional football and was drafted by the NFLs Chicago Bears While most of his experience was as a safety position, he was assigned the position of middle linebacker for the Bears, which gave him the opportunity to showcase his tackling abilities, intelligence, speed and aggressive approach toward winning An instant star, Urlacher was awarded the title of NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year in 2000 [url=http://nikemercurialshoes2a.blogspot.com/]Nike Mercurial Shoes [/url] Kiiera: The CompanyKiiera was founded by Peter Spiegel, who also founded spinoff company Sylmark Group Mr Spiegel has participated in business and consumer markets for years, operating several successful entities With Kiiera, he has attempted to meld direct-response marketing (with infomercials, etc) with network marketing (friends and family, recruiting re-sellers) It's a novel concept, and a company that recently tried to join these two mediums was ITV Ventures, founded by Don Barrett [url=http://nikeairmax90a.webs.com/]nike air max 90[/url].

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Measure the distance from the floor to the tip of your nose This measurement gives you the handle or shaft length that should suit your needs Add the length of the paddle blade to this measurement to get your overall paddle length As I said, this technique is less exact, but does work well for the traditional, straight shaft paddles With the newer Bent Shaft Paddles available on the market, this technique often is void since Bent Shaft Paddles are typically quite a bit shorter than Straight Shaft ones [url=http://cheapfoamposites2b.weebly.com/]cheap foamposites[/url] What makes a website attractive and easy to navigate for you Organize your links topically so that your visitors can browse the topics theyre interested in No one wants to browse through a page of 100 links that are all jumbled together As a website browser, I will not spend more than a minute on a page that is disorganized or is hard to read Within each topic, do not alphabetize the links its unfair to your exchangers Make it first come, first listed [url=http://airyeezyglowinthedark2c.webs.com/]air yeezy glow in the dark [/url].

Anonymous said...

Wise men are silent; fools talk.

Anonymous said...

Scientific knowledge aims at being wholly impersonal.

Anonymous said...

There is no end to learning.

Anonymous said...

One swallow does not make a summer.

Anonymous said...

Doubt is the key to knowledge.

Anonymous said...

The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.

Anonymous said...

A great man is always willing to be little.

Anonymous said...

The first in time and the first in importance of the influences upon the mind is that of nature.

Anonymous said...

A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

Anonymous said...

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence.

Anonymous said...

You have to believe in yourself.That¡¯s the secret of success.

Anonymous said...

There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self.

Anonymous said...

Naked came I into this world,and naked must I go out.

Anonymous said...

Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man.

Anonymous said...

It is possible to post your link on your profile page in most of the forums Even if it is not possible to post a link, be interactive and helpful to people and build a strong bond and they will automatically try to find out more about youArticle marketing Article marketing is one of the most important internet marketing tools today As you initiate article marketing in various fields, you come across to people as an expert With excellent and informative content, it is possible to get people to rush in and sign up with you [url=http://www.airmax2013forsale.net/Air-Max-2009-Women-Leather-Shoes-list-9-1]Air Max 2009 Women Leather Shoes[/url] To make the testimonial credible, they must naturally mention who it came fromThis interesting idea is likely to drive your competitors nuts It is published purely for its entertainment value Some might consider it unethical and even illegal so USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ( We take no responsibility for any conflict, legal or otherwise, that you may get into) Basically, the approach is to choose your most successful competing web sites, especially those that get top 10 listings in search engines, and to create doorway pages using their web site address and names as key words So when people who have previously visited them but cannot remember their exact domain name use search engines to search for them, your page gets displayed beside theirs and diverts traffic away from them [url=http://www.airmax2013forsale.net/Nike-Woven-Kid-Shoes-list-72-1]Nike Woven Kid Shoes[/url].
Start of with the usual weddings and birthday parties Take pictures of all the landmarks in your cityMore websites are being created every day and all of them need some images Speak to web designers and take pictures to their specifications Online networks are expanding rapidly and people need portrait pictures [url=http://www.foampositesforsalenz.com/Air-Jordan-7-VII-list-24-1]Air Jordan 7 VII[/url] With other advertising methods, you are charged when your advertisement is displayed or rotated Lets get moving! The problem with this is that the devil is in the details I have seen many hastily laid plans leap into instant action and gain immediate progress I have seen just as many of these plans sitting in the trash bin after huge amounts of time and money have been invested in them because they didn't actually accomplish what the customer really wanted By the time they figured they weren't going to meet the real requirements they had too much invested in the hastily chosen direction to make the required corrections A common companion of these discarded plans is the discarded manager who goes along with it [url=http://www.airjordangsforsale.com/Air-Jordan-Retro-5-list-13-1]Air Jordan Retro 5[/url].

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